Sensorem's personal alarm works everywhere – outdoors and abroad!

The personal alarm is waterproof (IP67) and can withstand being used outdoors!

The personal alarm communicates via the mobile network and works everywhere where there is mobile coverage.

The personal alarm can be used at no extra cost throughout the EU and in additional countries worldwide (see complete list further down).

Enkelt att stänga av trygghetslarmet i Sensorem-appen när användaren ska flyga.

Easy to change the order of alarm receivers in the Sensorem app so that alarms go to the person most suitable to answer alarms during the trip.
Complete list of countries where you can use Sensorem's personal alarm

Countries in which the security alarm works without the user having to do anything before departure
- European Union (all countries)
- The Faroe Islands
- Liechtenstein
- Monaco
- Norway
- San Marino
- Switzerland
- UK

Countries in which the security alarm works where Sensorem needs to be contacted before departure to activate the service (free of charge)
- Australia
- Belarus
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Greenland
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Israel
- Japanese
- Kazakhstan
- South Korea

Countries in which the security alarm works where Sensorem needs to be contacted before departure to activate the service (free of charge)
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Peru
- Philippines
- Russia
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United States (including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands)
Frequently asked questions about Sensorem's personal alarm

No commitment period - money back for unused time

Everything is included in the cost – the watch as well

Price guarantee – we guarantee the best price

Free shipping – delivery within three working days