Problems with municipal security alarms greater than previously known

Hidden problems with security alarms revealed

Ekot’s review shows that the problems with security alarms in several Swedish municipalities are significantly greater than previously known. Despite serious incidents, such as slow or missing alarms, municipalities such as Botkyrka, Huddinge and Mariestad have chosen not to inform the public or other municipalities. The reason is often consideration for the alarm providers, and several settlements have been classified. The lack of transparency prevents municipalities from learning from each other’s mistakes and risks the safety of both users and staff, something which is criticized by the trade union Kommunal.

Incidents in Botkyrka and Mariestad

In Botkyrka, problems with security alarms were reported in several Lex Sarah notifications in 2022 and 2023. The alarms did not reach the staff in time, which meant risks for the elderly, especially those with a high risk of falling. Despite this, the municipality has not carried out a proper investigation, and only after Ekot’s questions did the municipality decide to start an investigation. In Mariestad, the alarm buttons did not work, which led to several care recipients not being able to raise the alarm. The errors were only discovered when the staff realized that no information was reaching them.

Lack of transparency

Anna Spånt Enbuske, investigator at Kommunal, criticizes the municipalities for keeping the problems secret. She believes that openness about technical errors is necessary so that other municipalities can avoid the same mistakes. Despite the fact that the security alarms are critical for the elderly, the municipalities have chosen to keep quiet for fear of destroying the relationship with the suppliers. This creates a dangerous situation, where problems are not addressed effectively.

The municipal security alarm problems are widespread and the lack of transparency worsens the situation

The review shows that security alarm problems are widespread and that the lack of transparency worsens the situation. By keeping the incidents a secret, the possibility of improving safety technology and reducing the risk of future breakdowns is hindered. It is necessary that the municipalities prioritize the safety of both users and staff and share information about technical problems in order to improve security systems across the country.

Sensorem’s private security alarm is completely disconnected from the municipality

Sensorem’s private personal alarm works everywhere in the world (even outdoors) and is completely disconnected from the municipality. The alarm from Sensorem’s personal alarm goes directly to relatives instead of home care. Here you can read more about Sensorem’s personal alarm and watch a film that explains how it works.